Liverpool City Council has launched a masterplan aimed at tripling the number of cruise ships which call at the city within a decade.
The 10-year plan, which has been launched in partnership with Peel Ports and MerseyTravel, aims to turn Liverpool into one of the major cruise departure ports in the UK and rival Southamptons for cruise business.

15 cruise liners called at city during 2009 including the Queen Mary 2 which, when it visited last November, brought more than 23,000 passengers and provided a £5million boost to the local economy.
The council plan to raise this number to over 50 by 2020 with the new plan.
The announcement is good news for cruise customers based in the north of the UK, who traditionally have had to travel to Southampton to depart on many of the cruises which operate from the UK.
Councillor Gary Millar, Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Lead for Enterprise, Tourism and Culture, said: ‘’Liverpool City Council’s commitment to develop the huge potential of the River Mersey’s economy has merely intensified.

“I am delighted our key partners have agreed to sit down with us and formulate this four-point cruise masterplan which I’m positive will have a huge impact for the city and wider region over the next few years.’’
Mersey Docks managing director Gary Hodgson, speaking for Peel Ports, said: “We still believe that there is opportunity in Liverpool for cruise market growth. We are committed to working together with our partners to allow the Mersey’s obvious potential in the cruise market to be fully realised."
The announcement comes after transport ministers ruled that using the current Pier Head terminal – which was build using a £9million of European funds – as a departure and arrival terminal for cruises would breach EU competition law.
Undersecretary of State for Transport Paul Clark said: "The proposed change of use would be likely to have an unfair and adverse effect on competition between ports."

"Liverpool City Council has had considerable success in developing its cruise terminal to attract some of the largest cruise ships in the world. I hope this business continues to thrive."
A spokesman for the Department of Transport said: “The UK ports sector is run on a private business model.
"People can put in planning applications without the need for government help to develop port facilities on an individual basis.”